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Best articles.. Author hafiza souda maqbool.

   السَـلاَمُ عَلَيــْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكـَاتُۃ

 * After you read it * * They will become accustomed to seeking forgiveness. *

 Once a person came to Imam Hasan Basri and complained to him:
 * "The sky doesn't rain down on us." *
 They replied:
 * "Seek Allah's Forgiveness."

 Then another person came up to them and said,
 * "I complain of poverty." *
 They replied:
 * "Ask for God's forgiveness." *

 Then another person came to them and complained,
 * "My wife is infertile; she cannot have children. *
 "He replied:
 * "Ask for God's forgiveness." *

 Those who were present said to Imam Hassan:

 * "Every time a person comes to you with a complaint, you just instruct him to ask forgiveness from Allah?" *

 Imam Hasan Basri said,

 "Have you not read the statement of Allah?

 * "Ask forgiveness of your Lord; surely He is Most Forgiving. He will often send down rain on you. He will give you abundant wealth and children; and will give you gardens and streams for you.  Will remove it. "*
 _ [Noah (71): 10-12] _

 There are two things in the earth that give a person security and security from Allah's punishment.

 The first one has been removed, and the second is still left.
 As far as the first is concerned, he was the Messenger of Allah (PBUH).

 * "Allah will not punish them while you are in them." *
 _ [Elfan (8): 33] _

 As far as the second is concerned, it is the Ikhtiar

 * "And Allah will not punish them if they ask for forgiveness." *
 _ [Elfan (8): 33] _
 * Isghafarullah ... *

 Never give up!

 Please tell her and also to the people you will be rewarded for reminding all those who ask to be reminded of you.

 Istghfarah Allah wtutb Allahu
 'Astaghfirullaaha wa' atoobu 'ilayhi.

 The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "If one constantly asks for forgiveness, Allah gives him comfort from all distress, anxiety, and will provide him from where he did not even think.  Yes. "  *

 _ [Abu Dawood Hadith Number 59] _

 (Remember in your prayers)



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