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Dua from Allah##

Best articles.##. 
Author hafiza souda maqbool.##

## Dua from Allah For recent disease..##

 * Is Allah Almighty *
 * You are the perfect power *
  We seek your protection from the hardships of every calamity, from the siege of every misfortune, and from the laughter of our enemies.

 Oh god
 * You are the One who gives us strength and is our helper *

 Oh god
 * We ask for your help 'We apologize for you' We express our views' Do not disbelieve with you and we are separate from those who disobey you *

 Oh god
 We worship you, we pray for you, we bow down to you and pray to you. 'Hope for your mercy and fear your punishment.  Overcome them with all kinds of security and security

 * Is our Lord *?
 We have wronged our souls and if you do not forgive us nor have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.
 * Or the Lord * to save the world and the Hereafter from every kind of loss

 * Our Lord *
 We trust in You, 'Turn to You, and to You we must return.

 Oh god
 Do not make us a source of trial for the unbelievers and forgive us. Indeed, You are the Mighty, the Wise.

 * Is our Lord *?
 Deadly viruses are spreading worldwide
 We have no choice but to avoid them
 The Lord is the One who can protect everyone and all Muslims from all diseases.
 Relieve them of their fears
 May we all give our full security to security

 Especially those who are in captivity for fear of this disease!
  Or they have been imprisoned !!
  Give everyone a summary
 And associate your family with happiness with happiness

   * The Lord's glory *
 Destroy animals where innocent children are becoming victims
 We protect everyone's children in every way
 Perfect your order
 Protect us all from the evil of the devil
 To our bride
 To our descendants
 To all Muslims

 * Amiyaan Ya Ya Rab Rab Al-Alamin *


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